Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup Crisco (solid vegetable shortening)
3 to 4 tablespoons water

1. Sift flour -- measure 2 cups; sift again with salt.
Measure Crisco. (Easy way to measure Crisco: Fill
measuring cup 1/3 full of cold water. Put Crisco in cup,
adding until water reaches "1-cup" line. Pour off water.)

2. Cut Crisco into Flour: With 2 knives, one in each hand,
use a criss-cross motion (or use a wide-tined fork or
pastry blender). Continue until you Crisco-flour mixture
resembles coarse cornmeal. (Note: This makes a tender pie
crust. If you want a flakier crust, cut Crisco into lumps
as big as small peas.)

3. Add Water: Sprinkle on a little at a time, stirring so
that all parts get evenly moistened and hold together when
pressed into a ball. Caution: Dough should look a trifle
crumbly -- don't let it get sticky-wet. Chill the dough
15-minutes before rolling it out.

4. Roll out dough: (A pastry canvas and a knitted rolling-pin
cover make rolling out easier!) Flour board and rolling-pin
lightly. Place dough on board; flatten it a bit with
rolling-pin; cut in half; roll out one piece into circle a
little larger than pie plate and 1/8 inch thick. (Watch that
dough! Don't let it stick. If it should stick, loosten
with spatula and re-flour board.)

5. Transfer to pie plate. When dough is folded in half it is
easy to transfer. Press down gently against bottom and sides
of plate; don't stretch dough. Trim dough close to edge of

6. Fill plate to rim with pie filling. In this way an
empty space won't form between crust and filling.

7. Roll out top crust as in Step 4 -- but roll circle big
enough to extend an inch beyond rim of plate. Place
lightly over filling. Trim ragged edges. Fold top crust
under lower crust and tuck under so juice can't escape.
Flute edges with fingers. Place thumb and first finger of
left hand on outside edge of pie. With first finger of right
hand press dough between other fingers -- this gives you
a crinkled edge. Gash the top crust so that steam can

8. Bake pie in hot oven (400 degrees F) about 50 minutes.

All Measurements Level.

Source: Crisco ad, San Jose CA News, May 17, 1941