Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
4 pieces of boneless, skinless chicken breast or 6 thighs
4-5 (or more) potatoes, peeled and cut in large chunks
juice of 2-3 lemons (about 2/3 cup)
3/4 cup olive oil
1 cup of water
1 head of garlic, cloves peeled but whole and slightly crushed
oregano, salt, and pepper to taste

Place chicken in an oblong casserole. Arrange potatoes around chicken
pieces. Scatter whole peeled cloves of garlic around chicken and
potatoes. Mix together lemon juice, olive oil, and water and pour
evenly over chicken and potatoes. Add water until potatoes are just
about covered. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cover chicken and
potatoes with generous amounts of oregano. Bake at 350F, about 1 hour,
until tops of chicken are reddish brown. Turn chicken and potatoes to
expose unbrowned portions. If potatoes aren’t at least half covered
with liquid, add water. Return to oven for about 30 minutes. Total
cooking time is about 1½ hours. Chicken is done when both sides are
lightly browned and potatoes are soft when touched with a fork. Serve
with a crusty bread. Notes: I cut the potatoes into quarters, sixths,
or eighths, depending on the size of the potato, in order to get more or
less evenly sized chunks. I find that very large russets cut into
eighths works very well. Also I leave the skin on because I like skins
and I’m too lazy to peel them. And I leave the skin on the thighs too,
because I love chicken skin. Be sure to use all the oil called for
because I think that’s what keeps it from tasting too sour from all the
lemon juice.