How long do you bleed after a miscarriage?

Bobbi M

New member
I am pretty sure I had a miscarriage mid last week and I am still bleeding and having some cramps. Is this normal?

Britney S

New member
You should go get checked out by a doctor.Anyways, I had an ectopic. After the pregnancy was terminated I bled for about 2 weeks.

Mommy To Be

New member
well first of all you need to contact your doctor. if you did miscarry you need to make sure everything came out. and after i had my d&c i bled for about 2 weeks.

RedPower Woman

New member
First of all I would like to say I am SO sorry for your loss.I would depend on how far along you are.I bled for a week almost like a long period. I heard it is okay to bleed for a couple of weeks. If any longer you should check with your doctor to make sure all is going well. Sometimes a woman needs a D&C. If you need additional support or want to talk more you can visit this message board I set up for women who have had a pregnancy or infant loss. Right now our membership is small but we are loving, knowledgeable, and we now how to have fun (when appropriate).