How early in a pregnancy can a miscarriage occur?


New member
I've been pregnant for about a month now, but I recently have had horrible stomach cramps and bleeding. Is it possible that this is a miscarriage?


New member
It is always possible. Make sure your OBGYN knows about any cramping and bleeding you have. They can do an ultrasound around 6 wks or up to see what might be going on. Some woman though have a miscarriage before they even know they are pregnant.

due 852011

New member
yes its possible you have a miscarriage before you even have your period. thats why sometimes its not good to test to early.

baby april

New member
bad cramping and alot of bleeding may indicate a miscarriage. i know some woman have light bleeding during there pregnancy but not much. I would go see your doctor.

Courtney R

New member
I would suggest going to your doctors or hospital as soon as possible. Any signs of bleeding that early on is not a good sign. Dont stress totally though as it could also be other reasons, but your not going to find out by not seeking medical advice.Good Luck!!


New member
Miscarriage usually happens in the first 12 weeks. Sounds like it might be sorry to say, Go to the hospital and get checked out. Good luck, I Hope everything is ok.


New member
Yes it's very possible. I hope you are not. But typically horrible stomach cramps and heavy bleeding are a sure sign of a miscarriage. You should call your OB immediately. Miscarriage can occur as early as 4 weeks pregnant when periods are due (some women have no idea they were pregnant). Miscarriage occurs in 1/3 of all pregnancies, and you are typically considered "safe" after 12 weeks pregnant. Women will miscarry anytime between week 4 - week 12. Good luck!


New member
A miscarriage can happen anytime during you're pregnancy there usually more common to happen at the start of you're pregnancy during the first trimester.


New member
It can happen at any time; in fact some estimates say that 50-60% of pregnancies end in miscarriage BEFORE the mom even realizes that she is pregnant. I lost mine at 4 weeks, 2 days.As far as your bleeding; painless brown spotting is usually nothing to get too concerned about; but if bleeding/spotting is accompanied by cramps, you have a fever, if the blood is red or pink (rather than brown), if it´s more than just spotting, these are all signs of miscarriage. Unfortunately 20% of KNOWN pregnancies end in miscarriage (ie, the mom has already realized she is pregnant) so it is extremely common. Most often, it is due to a chromosomal anomaly and is no fault of either of the parents; or anything that the parents have or have not been doing. Most couples who have an early miscarriage go on to have healthy pregnancies in the future; so it is usually not an indication of infertility.If you are in doubt, go and see your doc or go to the ED to find out for sure what is going on. They will draw blood to see how much hCG (the ¨pregnancy¨ hormone) you are producing; they may also do a sonogram to see what is going on in your uterus. Best of luck