What kind of vitamins are good for a teenage girl to take?


New member
I want to start taking vitamins because I've been feeling a little off lately and I think taking the right dose of vitamins might help, I don't think I've been eating too healthy. I'm fifteen and can take pills easily. I've heard Omega-3 is good, but I'd also like to hear others and what kind of amounts are right.
It depends what you are referring to as good. By good vitamins I imagine you mean organic natural vitamins and not the synthetic stuff. Organic are gentle on the stomach and have a higher absolution rate. I would go with Nutrilite. They have organic farms in Washington State and California and were the first supplement company. As far as an organic multivitamin for teens, take Nutrilite Daily Multivitamin/Multimineral for something simple. Go to http://Arcameda.com and click on vitamins then Multivitamin to get more information on these. As you can see, there are many categories so you may also want to consider Nutrilite Fruits and Vegetables. If you have any further questions, go to my profile to email me. Hope all is well.