What r some tips and tricks to organise all aspects of the household?


New member
Pick one section of the house at a time. Dont be a pack rat. Throw away what you have not used for six months. Dont keep things hanging around just for the sake of it.


New member
Pretty generic question. Hard to answer in a forum like this, it almost requires a book.However, for organizing clutter, get some cheap storage containers and pack things up. Sort them and group them according to use and frequency of use.For organizing other household aspects, like budgeting, scheduling, etc., many software programs have been devoted to making domestic life easier. Search for the type of program you'd like and you will get a zillion hits. You can then come back here to ask about specific software programs and how well they work.If you can be more specific about the kinds of things you want to organize, add a comment to your question and answerers can be more specific. Best wishes!

Recipe Reader

New member
A place for everything, and everything in it's place. Start with one room, have three boxes-one trash, another keep, another give away. Start with one section of the room, work around till it's all done, decluttering, dusting, vacuuming or sweeping. Put the trash out in the trash can, and the give away box, put in the trunk of your car-to give to a local charity in your area.Do this with all rooms. Bathroom, clean everything including the floor, take out the trash. To organize all parts of the household, again, have a place for everything. If you don't need/use an item for six months or so, please consider getting rid of it--unless it's special-like for holidays, etc.Make up a cleaning schedule for yourself that you can stick to. You don't need to clean the whole house every day.Make a menu for the month, stock up on non perishables (if you have the space), freezer (but not too full if it's frost free, need a little room for air to circulate). Have a filing system that works for you for your important papers. Bills, etc.Make a to do list for daily tasks-cleaning one or two rooms, pay a bill (if it's time to), etc.Also a way to help, is to check out www.flylady.net. Pretty good household hints and tips. Hope this helps. Take care.

t j

New member
Hello,Something that helps me alot is to clean up as I go. For example, when I am cooking dinner, I clean as I cook. I wash bowls or pots as finished with them. Wipe out sinks and wipe off counter tops when waiting for water to boil or something to bake, etc. Fold laundry while watching your favorite TV show. Strip bedding, wash and put it right back on the bed, then when you get tired of that bedding, change for a different set. Helps cut down on folding and storage space. Store sheets for each bed in storage container under the bed it belongs to. When done showering quickly wipe down bathroom surfaces with cleaning wipes. this cuts down on scrubbing and keeps major cleaning down to a minimum. I love swiffer and similar products for keeping things tidy.


New member
An easy tip which helps me....as you go from room to room pick up and put away 5 things that are out of place. Often I get on a roll and actually clean up more items. It will quickly become a habit and your home will always be fairly well organized.


New member
Have you tried FlyLady? www.flylady.net Even if you are fairly good with cleaning and organization, this site has lots of nifty tricks and tips to help you. My rule of thumb is that everything has a place. If I haven't used something in at least a year, and it's taking up space, out it goes either to Goodwill or to someone I know that may need it. Also, I keep a dry erase board on the inside door of my pantry and found I've cut my grocery list down a bit because I know exactly what I need and don't need by looking at what I wrote on the list.