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    Wildfire #1

    20 drops Tabasco Sauce 1 shot Tequila 1 shot Peppermint Schnapps n/a Beer You need 3 shot glasses and a beer glass (I use a schooner - 425 ml - but of course use whatever you feel necessary). Put the Tabasco sauce in one shot glass. This is the fire...
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    The king of denmark

    1 cl Grenadine 3 cl Sambuca Just mix the two things together and serve. It is possible, but not necessary, to set the drink on fire as it is usually done with Sambuca. In any case don't add any ice.
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    Sambuca pic me up

    3 oz. Sambuca 2 oz. Bols Blue pour in a flute and when is finish make fire, put up 1 hand and shake 2 sec. now enjoy
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    Pyro #2

    1 Part Vodka 1 Part Scotch 1 Splash Canadian Whiskey Mix as normal, pour in shot glass, and set on fire. Put it out any way you want.
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    Pyro #1

    1 Part Vodka 1 Part Firewater 1 Splash Everclear Mix as normal, pour in shot glass, and set on fire. Put it out any way you want.
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    Nazi crematorium

    1 part Cinnamon Schnapps 1 part Rum 1 part Rumplemintz Layer according to list. Light on fire. Last drink of night.
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    Forest Fire

    4/5 shot Everclear 1/5 shot Tabasco Sauce Mix in shot glass, it's that simple. Use more Tabasco for more fire, less for more alcohol.
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    Flaming Sambuca

    1.0 each Coffee Beans 1.5 oz Sambuca Serve in a shot glass - warm Sambuca, light on fire, drop in coffee bean. Chug without burning mouth.
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    Flaming Fireman

    2 oz Goldschlager 2 oz 151 Proof Rum 2 oz Triple Sec Mix, light on fire, blow out and slam
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    Flaming Dragon

    1 oz. Green Chartreuse 1 oz. Bacardi 151 Mix together. Light on fire. Let the flames warm the concoction about 20 secs. Blow out fire (optional). Swallow quickly (be careful the glass may be hot!) Now lay on the ground, put your claws in the air, and WRESTLE WITH THE...
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    Flaming Blue Fuck

    1/2 oz. Blue Curacao 1.5 oz. Sambuca Serve in a shot glass. Set on fire and drink through a straw
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    Flaming Blue #1

    0.5 oz Peppermint Schnapps 1.0 oz Rum 0.5 oz Southern Comfort 0.5 oz Tequila Float the 151 over the rest of the ingredients, light on fire. Wait 5 seconds and slam it down
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    Fire Engine With Alarm

    1 part Jagermeister 1 part Vodka 4 parts red Cola Pour it in a highball glass. Should be severed Cold. Also use Ice if preffered. Realy the same as an Fire Engine.
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    Fire Engine W/ Alarm

    1 part Jagermeister 1 part Vodka 4 parts red Cola Pour it in a highball glass. Should be severed Cold. Also use Ice if preffered. Realy the same as an Fire Engine.
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    Elaine's Flaming Heart

    splash 151 Proof Rum 1/2 oz. Goldschlager 1/2 oz. Cinnamon Schnapps Pour into shot glass....light on fire.....think of your ex.....blow out......shoot. Guaranteed to make you forget him.
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    Dragon Piss #2

    0.75 oz Butterscotch Schnapps 1.0 oz Goldschlager 4.0 oz Mountain Dew mix and drink a'll feel like you are pissin fire
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    Cucaracha #3

    1 Part Jose Cuervo Tequila 1 Part Coffee Liqueur Simplemente en una copa peque±a de brandy put the part of tequila and coffeliquor to the midle of the cup mix it an then use fire and fire it then don'tturn off the fire and use a stick to drink it with the flames live...
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    Blue Flame

    1 oz. Southern Comfort 1 oz. Peppermint Schnapps Pour the peppermint schnapps into a large shot glass. Layer the Southern Comfort on top of it. Light the Southern Comfort on fire but blow it out before you drink it!
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    1/2 oz Sambuca 1/2 oz Creme de Menthe Pour the Sambuca into a shot glass, and light it. You should see a small blue flame. Quickly place your palm over the glass. You should feel the suction (it will put the flame out). Remove your hand and mix the Creme De Menthe with the...