
  1. M

    What's the difference between spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, and stillbirth?

    I'm pretty sure there's a difference between stillbirth and miscarriage, but are spontaneous abortion and miscarriage two different things?
  2. Mom

    How'd you feel about limiting pregnancy by requiring birth control from first menstration until the age of 21?

    I suppose this would be considered the "solution" to the teen pregnancy problem. And yes, I am aware of constitutional impediments to restricting procreation and religious opposition to birth control in general. Thoughts?follow-up: wouldnt be so silly to assume that kids would be responsible...
  3. Chef

    Weight Loss 4 Idiots and dummies

    Weight Loss 4 Idiots and Dummies; 40 ways: Cut salt from you diet. Walk to the store instead of driving. Take the stairs every chance you get instead of the elevator. Don't eat with in 3-4 hours before bed. Eliminate soda or sugary drinks from your diet. Avoid diet foods. Drink water...
  4. T

    What is the point of Jersey shore tv show?

    i just saw like two episodes of this tv show, and thought that they were completely pointless. SO, i was wondering if there was actually a point to this show.