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I've been making my own vanilla syrup lately and using it for two
things - add to seltzer to make cream soda (adding a bit of half and
half is optional), and add to iced espresso, along with half and half to
make a Starbucks-like concoction, an iced vanilla latte.

The recipes I find call for _way_ less vanilla extract that I like -
it's nice to taste vanilla. The recipes I've been finding online call
for 1-1/2 cups sugar, 1-1/2 cups water to make the simple syrup, and
then 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract. I've been using an entire 4 oz.
bottle of vanilla extract for that much syrup - tastes much better, says
me, and still plenty sweet enough. That's a _lot_ more vanilla than
these recipes suggest.