Getting oil/grease stains out of my jeans?


New member
I was cooking breakfast today, and I got some splatter marks on my jeans. it was vegetable oil. Does this come out? If so, what would I use to get the stain out? Any tips will be helpfullthey are a very light/grayish denimThanks Everyone!
Shout works if the stain has not set too long. This is what i do. Spray the pants with the shout and rub it in. Wash then as you usually do, but do not put them in the dryer. (If the stain is still there it will be set for life if you do.) Then repeat that one more time. Finally, put more Shout on them and let them set overnight and wash them again in the morning. The stain should be gone. Good luck
rub some Dawn dish liquid on the oily/greasy stains and wash normally the stains will come out.
Ditto on the Dawn! But if that doesn't work, get some Simple Green. It's a concentrated cleaner that is WONDERFUL for removing grease/oil based stains! Read the bottle and follow the directions. What I usually do is spray, rub it in a little, leave it sit awhile and wash. Check that the stain is gone before you toss them in the dryer!
Rub some waterless handcleaner on the spots, let it sit for 10 minutes then launder as usual. GO-JO works great .