
  1. E

    Spicy Sausage Sauerbraten Sandwich

    The National Sandwich Idea contest was held between 1956 and 1981. It was sponsored by the Wheat Flour Institute. Each year 20 sandwich recipes, created by Food Service professionals, were chosen as the top sandwich recipes from hundreds of entries. The Spicy Sausage Sauerbraten Sandwich was...
  2. D

    gluten free/dairy free/sugar free foods with protein? EMERGENCY?

    my sister has not eaten in 5 days, going on 6. She has mental health issues and is linked with several services, I'd rather not get suggestions about what to do for those issues.seriously, please don't tell me to call 911 b/c i already called her doctor and he assured me he would get in contact...
  3. E

    McIntosh Sandwich

    The National Sandwich Idea contest was held between 1956 and 1981. It was sponsored by the Wheat Flour Institute. Each year 20 sandwich recipes, created by Food Service professionals, were chosen as the top sandwich recipes from hundreds of entries. The McIntosh Sandwich was the number #1...
  4. F

    Back-to-School with an Apple a Day?

    Natural Cures Tip of the WeekWeek of Sept 17th, 2006 Week of September 17th, 2006Back-to-School with an Apple a Day?Autumn signals not only the return of school days for many, but the organic apple farmer to our local farmer's markets. It was Benjamin Franklin who coined the phrase, "An apple a...
  5. M

    What are some tips for a good-smelling apartment?

    I live in a studio apartment with the kitchen separate from the rest. I have a hard time keeping the place smelling fresh and such (yes, I am a bachelor). Any tips? I don't care for the overly-sweet smell of sprays and candles.
  6. R

    Anyone have any tips on how to get rid of "fruit flies" in the kitchen?? Only seems to be a summer problem...

    Anyone have any tips on how to get rid of "fruit flies" in the kitchen?? Only seems to be a summer problem...
  7. X

    What are some vegan-friendly ways to substitute margarine in a cookie recipe? ?

    I'm about to make a batch of vegan oatmeal raisin cookies, but, due to requests, am trying to cut down on the fat. The recipe calls for vegan margarine. I already have Earth Balance, but was wondering if there was something different I could use to replace the margarine altogether, like soy...
  8. W

    I need a good finger sandwich recipe?

    My sons kindergarten class is having a year end party and the teacher requested finger sandwiches.Anyone have a good child friendly recipe?
  9. W

    I need a recipe for a smootie?

    a recipe for a smoothie but it MUST HAVE plain yogurt and fruit and maybe some kind of fruit juice.wierd request i know...please help me out though.
  10. S

    Can anyone give me some quick help with a recipe?

    My daughter's teacher sent home a request for two recipes to be put in a class book. This is due tomorrow so obvously I am terrible and forgot about it. I have one finished but need one more. I need an easy recipe... easy meaning they didnt give me very much room to write a long recipe and also...
  11. T

    Vegan Recipe Help Request?

    I am planning to make a vegan cheezecake for a vegan wine and cheeze party tonight, however, the cheezecake that I liked the sound of uses tofu in the recipe and I would like to use Tofutti cream cheese and vegan sour cream instead to avoid that "tofu taste" in the end product. I have looked at...
  12. P

    Strange recipe request. I have leftover cinnamon bread that is going to go bad soon ...?

    So I want to know if anyone has any ideas on how I could incorporate this bread into a dish. Strange ideas are more than welcome, even if you've never done it. I'm having a party this weekend and I've gotta bring a dish. Obviously I'm going to make something more mainstream but if I could find...
  13. Molly

    How can i get a slim body after my pregnancy?

    I want to be slim like a model after having a baby because i lost too much weight during pregnancy. I'm 20 years old, my height is 4 feet, 10 inches.My weight is 75 kg.I can't do exercise daily. Is there any other way to get a slim body? Is there anyone who can give me a diet plan for breakfast...
  14. E

    Apple Cider Syrup & Barbecue Sauce

    Apple Cider Syrup Use this apple cider syrup on pancakes and waffles, or use it to top or accompany bread pudding, baked apples, or other desserts. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups apple cider 1 cup brown sugar 2 cinnamon sticks Preparation: In a heavy saucepan over medium heat, melt...
  15. Just Me

    Unique household tips?

    I have been on the lookout for any kind of uncommon, possibly funds saving household hints. Anything at all, just share your ideas. For instance: What do you do to save cash with housecleaning, cooking, living expenses or even anything, or any idea what is definitely a much better or more...
  16. P

    My apartment isn't that big and every time I cook something it smells for days. How can I stop that?

    I can't open the windows right now because its freezing outside, and I've tried febreze, candles and it will work for a few hours, any tips will be more than great. ThanksI do have a vent fan and I do use it, I even let it on after cooking to see if it will take the odors away. I will have to...
  17. C

    I am 47 & starting over. Need Tips?

    I'm disabled by arthritis, so my work around the place is harder than when I lived alone younger. I worked at least 45 hrs. a week back then and was a better housekeeper and shopper than now. Things keep getting tougher. Any household tips or shortcuts will be appreciated. I'm asking you guys...
  18. E

    Kid's Favorite Pork Chops TNT

    Brown 6 chops cut 3/4 inches thick In a greased skillet over med heat. Put in a shallow baking dish Pour 1/2 cup apple juice over chops and sprinkle with 1/2 to 3/4 cup of raisins and some salt. Cover and bake at 350 for 45 min.Turn chops combine 1/4 cup brown sugar,1/4 tea/ fresh ground...
  19. T

    What is your favorite household tip?

    Here's mine- If you have a pot or baking dish with baked on food no need to labor scrubbing! Just soak in dish washer liquid. After a short while it just rinses off. Also great to put a thin layer full strengh on your sinks . Soak and they will come out gleaming. OK ,I am a little bored today...
  20. L

    ways to get the smell of fry food out of home ?

    we're moving to a new place and the floor plan is very open so while i'm cooking whoever is in the family room can see me and Smell what i'm cooking. What are ways to remove the smell after i'm done cooking... oh and our kitchen doesn't have a window, Great huh!anyway please share some tips .. i...