thirsty mind

New member
Here's mine- If you have a pot or baking dish with baked on food no need to labor scrubbing! Just soak in dish washer liquid. After a short while it just rinses off. Also great to put a thin layer full strengh on your sinks . Soak and they will come out gleaming. OK ,I am a little bored today, I'm not that big on house cleaning.


New member
This is real simple but I absolutely LOVE all products made from the Oxi-Clean line. Like the Orange Burst is great on counter tops and in the bathroom. I like using a small scoop of Oxi-clean in every load of wash I do for laundry and I like using it when I scrub the toilet bowl. It's fast and easy!


New member
Put Baking Soda in your fridge to keep it smelling fresh.Use men's shaving cream on mirrors in the bathroom to keep it from fogging up.


New member
When cleaning the kitchen counters and sink. First spray cleaner (I use Method All-Purpose) in the sink and let it sit. Then spray and wipe the counters. Continue to let the sink sit with cleaner in it for at least ten minutes then rinse it. The sink is the dirtiest part and needs the most cleansing.


New member
There's too many to choose from, but I would say my ABSOLUTE favorite would have to be the Q-tip.


New member
My favorite tip is to use white vinegar for several cleaning jobs in the house. 1. Use it to clean hard water stains from glass2. Use it to remove hardwater stains from the inside of a toilet by just putting a cup or so into the toilet water and let it sit for an hour or so..or even over night...after those hard water spots will brush right off.3. Use it in your washing machine to get rid of musty smell in clothes left in too long.4. If someone has trouble with flaky scalp, put about 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar in a quart of water along with one regular aspirin. Shake until dissolved. Use as a rinse after washing. It helps to get rid of flakes and the aspirin helps with itching. (ok..that might not have been a house cleaning tip..but oh well)


New member
On those days when your feeling really lazy and just want to set and watch t.v. all day, you would be amazed at what you can get done during commercials! I do this sometimes and get quite abit accomplished. You really have to stick to it though and clean something during the commercials. You can get a few dishes at a time washed up, and continue during the rest of the commercials and before you know it, wa-la, they are done. Or vaccume. Or dust. Put a load of laundry in. Fold a load up. Whatever. Try it, you'll like it!


New member
use the ABC's though out the house,like a is for after spry, b is for bathroom, c is forcleaning the......... and so on and so on