Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
4 egg yolks 4
3/4 cup sugar 175 mL
3 tbsp Amaretto liqueur 45 mL
3/4 cup sifted flour 175 mL
1 tsp baking powder 5 mL
1/2 tsp salt 1 mL
4 egg whites 4
1 cup whipping cream 250 mL
2 tbsp Amaretto Liqueur 30 mL
2 tbsp sugar 30 mL
1 cup crushed almonds 250 mL

Butter a jellyroll pan with sides; line with waxed paper and butter again.

In mixing bowl beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored (about 5 minutes). Add sugar and beat 2 minutes longer. Add Amaretto liqueur and beat.

Sift flour before measuring, measure and resift with baking powder and salt. Gradually add flour to egg and sugar mixture; beat until smooth.

In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until stiff but not too dry; fold egg whites lightly into batter.

Pour mixture in jellyroll pan, spread evenly with a spatula and bake for 12 minutes in a 375°F/190°C oven.

Loosen sides of cake and turn out onto towel sprinkled with sifted icing sugar. Trim off any hard edges. Roll quickly and wrap in towel; place on rack to cool.

Whip cream with Amaretto and sugar.

Unroll cake and spread with cream. Sprinkle cream with crushed nuts. Reroll and chill until ready to serve. Slice.
Chef's Note

Cake can be done a day ahead.

Completed roll can be made a few hours ahead and wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in fridge until needed.