Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 3/4 cups shredded lean meat (pork, lamb or chicken)
2 tablespoons fat
1 green (bell) pepper, shredded
2 cups onion, shredded
2 cups celery, cut
2 cups meat broth or thin gravy
salt to taste
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon cold water
2 cups raw Jerusalem artichokes, sliced (or 1 cup of chopped peanuts)
4 tablespoons soy sauce (more or less to taste)

Slightly brown shredded meat in fat. Remove meat
from pan and and add green pepper and onion to
pan and fry for a few mintutes. Add meat back to pan
along with celery. Add meat broth or thin gravy
and season with salt to taste. Simmer covered
for 5-minutes.
Mix cornstarch with cold water, stir until smooth
and add to pan, cook and stir until mixture in
pan thickens. Add sliced raw Jerusalem artichokes
or chopped peanuts. Add soy sauce according to
taste. Cook until Jerusalem artichokes are
warmed though and then remove from heat.
Serve piping hot along with hot boiled rice.
Makes 5 servings.

Source: San Jose News, Friday, Oct 28, 1932