Best workout routines with no weights?


New member
I am in the Marines, and just got in trouble for drunk and disorderly conduct. So I have 45 days of restriction (basically I cant leave the barracks) while the rest of the platoon worksout and trains, i have to stay here because im a threat to their safety apparantly for the next 45 days...What workout routine could i do in a small area..i have access to pull up bars and thats it..also, im allowed to buy food every saturday, what food should i buy to shred out and be explosive and look good...i can't run either, and if i did it would be in a tiny circle..haha...thanks for the help
Do crunches and bicycles (ab stuff) and pull ups and push a lot of healthy food like fruits and vegetables and try not to eat too many sugary and fatty foods (no chips or soda, etc.) And also drink a lot of water
Ohhh man, have I got something for you. You want to get into KILLER shape? Check out www.crossfit.comEveryday they post new workouts, for every level, beginner - intermediate - advanced. And they're all body weight exercises. Some of them call for a kettle bell, which is like a cannonball with a handle, but most of them don't.You should be able to satisfy your needs with that No Problem. Check it out, e-mail me or message me.. tell me what you think!
I've been a fan of weightless exercise for years. Here's a few good ones:Lunges are great for your legs - you can do them straight forward and to the side. Careful not to injure your knees. Other great leg exercises include stances of various kinds - hard to describe these in this space, but a simple one used in many martial arts is the 'horse stance' - stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes facing forward, and squat down as low as you can. Hold it for as long as you can. Start with a minute and work your way up to five in a few weeks. Hurts. Also try some dynamic stuff - tuck-jumps are great for building explosive power. Do a standing jump and tuck your knees against your chest. Repeat ten times for a set.Many bodyweight exercises are much better at strengthening your core (lower back and stomach) than weights ever could be. Forward and reverse leg lifts are a simple way to start. Do hundreds of these a day. Another thing I like to do is 'back bridges' - start on your back and lift up on all fours upside down, so your back is arched. Hold for as long as you can. Walking back and forth a small distance like a crab in this position is even better. When you get good at that, you can try dropping back from a standing position onto one hand and going into a back bridge, then standing back up on your feet. It will really shred your abs. More advanced stuff could be trying to do a 'planche' (holding your body horizontal in a push-up position, except with your legs in the air. Sounds impossible, but if you're strong and build up to it (by starting with your knees tucked against your chest and lifting - search on the 'net for more) you can do it.) There's an equivalent position you can do with a pull-up bar the other way - these will be great for your stomach and upper back.Finally, there's TONS of stuff you can do in the way of push-ups. I'll recommend a few here:* Hand-stand pushups. Flip yourself up so your feet are against the wall (you're facing out, so you have to kick up into it). Pop out ten if you can. These are GREAT for your shoulders. You're pressing your whole body weight.* Hand-stands! While you're up there, you might as well try standing on just your hands. It's hard. Takes balance, and you have to keep your whole body stiff - use your abs and back to help. Shift your weight back and forth onto each shoulder.* Diving push-ups. I love these - start in a push-up position, except with your butt high in the air (so you make a big V). Drop down straight forward, keeping your head between your arms, then swing upwards, so you end with your back arched and your hips pressed down against the ground (a cobra pose in yoga, if you know it). Do this in reverse to go back to the start. The reverse is VERY hard and will destroy your shoulders.Also, get a jump rope. All the cardio you will need. Three minutes straight of jump-roping will probably wreck you right now.The final, important note: strength is nothing without flexibility. If you can't touch your toes, you're useless. Learn some good stretches. Attempt to do a split every day for a solid minute, at least. The back bridge and the cobra pose are good ones for your back.