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Recipe Feeder
Ingredients:2 large green capsicums/bell peppers, cut into big squares
1 large onion, finely chopped
1/4 tsp ginger garlic paste
2 tomatoes, cut into big pieces
1 tsp red chilli pwd
1/4 tsp turmeric pwd
1 tsp coriander pwd
1/2 tsp kasuri methi/dry fenugreek leaves
1 1/2 tsps roasted sesame seeds pwd
1 1/2 tsps roasted peanuts pwd
salt to taste
few curry leaves
1 tbsp oil
chopped coriander leaves for garnish

1 Heat oil in a heavy bottomed vessel, add chopped onions and curry leaves and fry till onions turn transparent. Add ginger-garlic paste and saute for 3 mts. Add red chilli pwd, turmeric pwd, coriander pwd and salt and combine. Add the chopped capsicums and tomatoes and fry for 7-8 mts,without lid.
2 Add a cup of water and cook for approx 10-12 mts with lid on low to medium flame. Allow the gravy to thicken.
3 Add the ground nut and sesame seeds pwds and kasuri methi and combine. Cook without lid for 5 mts. Turn off heat. Remove onto serving bowl and garnish with chopped coriander leaves.
4 Serve with rice or rotis.