Does anyone have any tips for cleaning my room?


New member
I am sixteen and have a daughter who is 8 months. We still live at my parents house until I turn 18 and go to college and we have our own apartment. So between the two of us living in my room my room gets really messy. I also want to paint since the color I have now I've had on the walls since I was a baby. So does anyone have any tips/ideas/list on how to clean it and in what order to clean in?


New member
1. Go through all you belongings and get a big trash bag. Pick out all the things you dont need dont want . If these things are still in good condition do a yard sale of somekind. Which could give you money for paint or money to buy things to help keep organized.2.Once you are done with that pick you paint.3. While you take time to let things dry go buy those organizerz.4. Put things back in the room but make sure you keep your perfume with your perfume your cremes with cremes your dipers with dipers and wipes. Label if you must and make sure its easy to get to and put back.Your done!Dont for get to mop or vacum perfect time to get stains out of carpet.