Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1. To remove the skin of almonds easily, soak them in hot water for 15-20 minutes.

2. Putting 3-4 cloves in sugar container will keep the ants at bay.

3. If you keep a piece of blotting paper at the bottom of the container, it will keep biscuits fresh for a longer time.

4. Avoid the use of butter. It it is essential to use, use a butter containing low saturated fat or with plant stanols (which avoid absorption of cholesterol by our body) or similar substitutes.

5. Apply some lemon juice on the cut surface of the apple to avoid browning. They will look fresh for a longer time.

6. Apply mashed banana over a burn on your body for cooling effect.

7. Apply a mixture of 1 pinch of chewing tobacco and 1 drop of water. Mix and apply directly and immediately to the sting; cover with bandaid to hold in place. Pain will go away in just a few short minutes.

8. Slit karelas at the middle and apply a mixture of salt, wheat flour and curd all round. Keep aside for ½ hour and then cook.

9. To keep celery fresh for a long time, wrap it in aluminium foil and place in the refrigerator.

10. Place some chopped onion in the vessel having burnt food, pour boiling water in it, keep 5 minutes and then clean.