help with a teething baby? teething rings and chewing on stuff not helping, nor is infant tylenol.?

With my second child, I found these homeopathic tablets called "Teething Tablets". You can find them at any pharmacy with the baby items. I don't know what they did, or how they did it, but man, did they save my sanity with my last two kids. I'm not a homeopathic person, but that's one bottle of medicine I kept well stocked. They are tiny white dissolving tablets.You can also try anebesol, but that wears off fast, and ticks the kids off, in my experiance.
questioned by many tried by me...was the best method.....get some whiskey....drink almost the whole bottle and give the rest to the baby....JUST KIDDING....sick seriously get some whiskey and rub your index finger around the rim of the bottle and blow it dry rub on babys gums...your are set to go...I wouldnt reccomed doing it more than twice a day though...hehe
wrong category for question but here's a suggestion that worked for both mine when they were babies:Hold your child cheek to cheek and make a 'ya-ya-ya' sound and motion with your jaw. It distracts them and seems to soothe. It's actually quite funny when the child makes the same noise back with you. Baby oragel can be quite painful when it starts wearing off. The same kind of sensation of when your foot or hand is asleep.
HEYIf your baby is super misearable try the infant anbesol it numbs the gums and allows baby to be happy for a little while, I liked advil and motrin too, it lasted longer! The anbesol probably is the best out there, ! Good luck, sorry your having this prob, I have 2 I know how it can be you feel like ripping your hair out! smooches
I've never tried it, but I've heard of people freezing a wet rag(clean of course) and letting them use that to suck on. It's tough but you just have to remain calm and get through it. Otherwise, try the ordinary things like ambesol, or maybe infants motrin(Ibuprofen) would help more than Tylenol
Hi, I know how miserable teething is so I will try to hurry.First, make sure the teething rings are cold. Frozen if possible. If they are not, place a piece of ice in a washcloth and let the baby chew on the ice. (the ice will numb the gums slowly)Then find the orajel and apply it liberally to the babies gumline.Then, if this doesn't work... try your finger. Just make sure to wash it first. Some babies like to gnaw on fingers.
Baby Orajel should work if applied often enough, but if it doesn't work, you could try the home remedy of cool mushy onion juice... you'd be surprised at how>>> many old-fashioned ideas work better.For diaper rash, most people use Desitin & a lot of times it actually makes it worse... use Vasoline Salve... works great.
Cold is the answer. They sell teething rings you can put in the fridge.Also you can rub the gums with anbesol or a very small amout of oil of clove.
Ok I know it sounds nuts...............and no it will not get the baby drunk. Just RUB a little alcohol on the baby's gums using ur finger. Not beer but real alcohol( JD or some type of sweet wisky really helps. I used it and my kids are just fine. That is what they did in the old days so it must have been fine.