How long after a miscarriage should you wait to try to get pregnant again?


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A lot of people have said you should wait till you have one normal cycle, others say you can try again immediately after having a miscarriage can you get pregnant again without having a period first? Some say you are most fertile after have a miscarriage or a live birth is it true? I miscarried on january 1 2010 and still haven't had a period can i be pregnant?I need to know if i can try again now, Or should i wait till i have a normal period
I would wait to have a normal period. Also I think that's great that you are over it, some people get really really emotional even though the baby was never born and they never could know it sooogood for you hehe :)But yeah thats my advice, the "most fertile after a miscarriage" thing sounds like b.s. to me.
I had a miscarriage on Christmas day 2009 and i have only just got my period this week.I have been told that you are more fertile after miscarrige and birth but im not sure bout that.sorry for your loss.xx
I'm sorry about your loss. it's been almost a month. You can start trying whenever you want to, no one knows your body like you. If you feel like you have healed enough to be pregnant again than give it a try. I wish you the very best.
If your last pregnany was molar, then you should wait a year to fall pregnant. That is because it takes that long for the hormones to go out of your system.But otherwise there is no reason why you can't try as soon you feel ready. I fell pregnant a month after a D & C. If you had one, your chances of falling pregnant soon are increased.Good Luck!