How long is it until a Home Pregnancy Test is most accurate?


New member
Like how long after the actual sex, in weeks, are home pregnancy tests most accurate/reliable(if used correctly of course)? My periods are never regular, and I recently lost my virginity to my boyfriend. That's why I'm asking. Also, my period was already late when I lost my virginity. That was like a month ago now.I've taken two tests which turned out negative. I took them first thing in the morning. But I'm still waiting on my period. It's irregular all the time but usually not this late.
Your first missed period, which is more or less 30 days. Make sure your using your first morning pee, as it contains the highest hormone levels.
many things can cause a pregnancy test to give a false positive such as how soon you take it after sex, what time of day you take it and if you don't follow the instructions correctly. i suggest you wait until after you think your period SHOULD be though i know that's a little bit tricky with irregular periods (wait a few weeks but i wouldn't go as far as a month). Take the test in the morning right after you wake up as this is the best time of day to get an accurate result. Finally just follow all the directions on the box and you should get an accurate answer
If you took the two tests and were negative you are most likely fine. It is likely that your worrying is setting your period off because the same thing happened to me. I was so paranoid about the situation and took pregnancy tests like literally every day and my period came 3 weeks late. If you get the first response pregnancy test, you can take it up to 6 days before your missed period as long as it is 7 days after intercourse. Since it's already been your missed period, and a week after intercourse, you should be able to take any pregnancy test on the market. Good luck! You should be fine :)