How long, on average, does one session of hip radiation last?

My boyfriend starts radiation therapy on his hip next week, and we're just curious to know how long one session usually lasts. He is scheduled for ten sessions. Thank you.
Most radiation sessions last between 5 and 15 minutes, give or take. Mine was to my brain and lasted all of 5 minutes with 6 different beams in 6 different areas.Yeah Spree, My first treatment, I was strapped to the table by my mask for almost an hour. Talk about state of panic! I just had to keep my mind thinking of different things to pass the time. Also once a week, they'd do xrays before treatments and that'd add an extra few minutes on to my "strap down" time. "april" is my real name!Actually you only have an "apparatus" if it's treatment for a brain tumor. And I'd walk into the clinic and walk out 10 minutes later!
"April" is correct.The treatments last only a few minutes once a person is positioned.It will take longer to set up the radiation field initially (on day 1).
The first day may take quite a while so they can get your equipment all measured and set up specifically to shoot your cancer. This is an apparatus that gets your body in perfect alignment and holds you Absolutely still. Once it is made, then you come in at your appointment time, they get you placed in your "rig" and administer the radiation and let you go. In his case i would think that day #1 may take a few hours at the most and after that, each treatment will take just long enough to strap him in and administer the treatment and let him go. Something like 15-30 minutes tops. By the way, The Chemo and Radiation nursing staff love to answer questions so please don't be afraid to ask them anything about anything from new medications to side effects to sex. They are the best source to get information about living with this disease and how to fight it. Some clinics even have a nurse available 24/7 by phone.