Is there a difference between radiation treatment and chemo?

My aunt has lymphoma and she's lost most of her hair. I always though chemo was a form of radiation that caused a bunch of nasty side effects like nausea and losing your hair.
Chem0therapy is a chemical cocktail they give you intravenously that targets cancer cells. Radiation targets any existing cancer cells in lympnodes and tissue using a lazor beam that destroys them. Radiation can cause burns.
Chemotherapy is the use of a drug or a mixture of drugs that targets fast dividing cells. Chemo is often associated with hair loss and nausea, but not always as it depends on what drugs are used. Radiation therapy is when radiation (energy waves) is used to damage the DNA in the location of the cancer and sometimes to the entire body.
Yes, my Mum is having Chemo and she started her radio today!Chemo is basically a poison that they put into your body that kills off left over cancer cells.Radio makes you quite sleepy and Chemo makes you extremely sick feeling and vomiting can happen.Radio basically shrinks and zaps out cancer cells.I'm not much of a smart person on this, but as my mum is having her treatment at this present moment, it doesn't kill to know what's really happening.
Whether or not a person loses their hair or has nausea will depend on which chemo they receive. It is a mixture of drugs and varies according to the specific cancer being treated, also can be adjusted according to the patient as well. For Lymphoma the treatment that I had was certain to cause hair loss but not nausea, (although I did get infections which caused sickness).Chemotherapy is adminstered and 'tackles' the whole body whereas radiotherapy is aimed at a specific area. Radiotherapy is X-rays. The high dosage given can whilst treating the cancer also cause cancer to occur after a few years.I hope the chemo works on your aunt's lymphoma and that she has remission for a lot of years to come.