Easy Recipe Finder

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1 Tortilla Shell
3-4 onions
minced fresh garlic
tsp brown sugar
bay leaf
salt and pepper to taste
Shredded Mozzerella
Grated Parmesan
Peppercorn Asagio
Fresh Parsley

Fry onions and garlic in olive on med heat for a few minutes, Add sugar and continue to fry on med-low heat until onions become dark(about 20 minutes) Add a couple of glugs of beer, they thyme and allspice, and reduce until beer has evaporated. Make sure to clean up the brown bit bottom of the pan with a spatula. Allow onions to cool for 15 minutes.

Place shell on pan and spread onions evenly over it. Cover with cheese blend and parsley. Bake at 425 in preheated oven for 10-15 minutes until top is brown and bottom is crispy. Enjoy.