Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 x Cabbage, red 1 x Salt
1 x Vinegar 1 x Sugar
1 x Celery seed 1 x Pepper
1 x Mace 1 x Allspice
1 x Cinnamon
1 servings
Shred red cabbage rather fine and sprinkle generously with salt. Set aside
in a cool place to stand for 30 hours. Drain all moisture from cabbage, and
then place it in the sun, allowing to remain for several hours. Use
sufficient vinegar to cover the cabbage, adding 1 cup of sugar to every
gallon of vinegar, and a small quantity of each of the spices. Boil this
together for 7 minutes and pour over the cabbage. Put in stone jars, cover
and store in a cool place.