
Staff member
1 frozen banana (best if cut into 1-inch -- chunks then f rozen)
1/2 cup hulled strawberries (don't need to cut them up)
1/4 cup soy milk, orange juice or water
cinnamon to taste
Serves 1.
Add all of the ingredients in a blender. I start with 1/4 cup of liquid and add more depending on how thick I want
the smoothie. Blend in spurts until smooth. Variations: * Use peaches, blueberries, apple slices, or more bananas
in place of strawberries (or combine them!) May need to vary the liquid depending on the juciness of the fruit. *
Use fresh bananas and 1-2 ice cubes * In addition to the cinnamon, add one or more of: nutmeg, cloves, ginger,
vanilla kwvegan vegan.