Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
I've got a recipe for protein pudding that tastes really good. Here's what you need.

1) One box of sugar free pudding mix (jello brand)

2) vanilla protein (I use optimum casein)

3) Milk or almond milk (I use almond milk)

4) 2 tablespoons of whipped cream cheese

Per box of sugar free pudding I mix 6 scoops of vanilla pudding. Optimum Casein seems to work best for this for some reason - other proteins don't solidified the way they need to for a pudding. I add 20 oz of almond milk to the mix. Then put in the 2 tablespoons of whipped cream cheese. Get a power hand mixer and go to town blending it all together. IF it seems too thick, add in 4 more ounces of almond milk. The cheesecake, lemon and pistachio sugar free pudding flavors work well and taste GREAT with this combo. Nutrients are:

Protein 148 grams (888 cals)

Carbs 48 grams (288 cals)

Fats 21 grams (189 cals)

Total cals 1365

65% protein
21% carbs
14% fats

Give it a try!