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12 medium Onions, Peeled
½ cup Quinoa
1 cup Water
¼ teaspoon Salt, Coarsely Ground
2 Garlic Cloves, Minced
½ cup Mushrooms, Sliced
½ cup Celery, Sliced
2 tablespoon Olive Oil
½ cup Chickpeas, Cooked
1 cup Walnuts, Roasted
2 teaspoon Soy Sauce
2 teaspoon Rice Vinegar, Brown
Parsley, For Garnish

Hollow out insides of onions with an apple corer, leaving bottoms intact and reserving insides. Steam hollowed-out onions until tender, reserving 3/4 cup of cooking liquid. Rinse and drain quinoa. Bring one cup water and salt to a boil. Stir in quinoa and return to a boil. Lower heat, cover and simmer 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, 10 minutes. Fluff with a fork.

Finely chop reserved onions. Saute onions, garlic, mushrooms and celery in oil 15 minutes or until soft. Mix in quinoa and chickpeas and heat through 5 minutes. Fill onions with quinoa mixture, arranging excess stuffing on serving dish around bottoms of onions. Crush walnuts in a food processor blending in soy sauce and vinegar to form a creamy mixture. Blend in reserved cooking liquid.

Place mixture in a saucepan and heat through, stirring constantly. Pour over stuffed onions, garnish and serve.