Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1. For all juice, use a juice concentrate with half the recommended water, this will give your smoothie the similar texture of a jamba juice.
2. All scoops are standard ice cream scoop sizes.
3. Make sure to use sherbets and not ice cream because sherbet greatly affects the consistency of the smoothie.
4. One scoop of fruit is equivalent to 1 ice cream scoop.
5. If you wish to make more than the allotted amounts I’ve given you just make sure you add equivalent amounts of product in the same ratio.
6. If your smoothie turns out thinner than you wanted, add more of the appropriate sherbets or frozen yogurt.
7. If your smoothie turns out thicker than you wanted, add more of the appropriate juice.
8. For OJ, lemonade and soy milk no concentrates are needed.