What is the relationship between the diagnosis and/or causes of autism and geographical location?


New member
Have there been legitimate studies or documentation that geography is relevant to the cause of autism? Can environment be a predictor or cause for this condition? Are cases more likely in different parts of US?


New member
Absolutely. I have seen it. There are rates per state somewhere on this Internet. The North and Northeast have the highest rates. The South has the lowest rates. There are various studies showing autism is more prevalent around farmland that uses organophosphates and around industry, smog, coal plants. Also, educated parents are more likely to have children with autism than non-educated. Autism is from immune dysfunction, to the more immune stressors, the more likely.


New member
There's a relationship between the diagnosis and geography. But keep in mind that this is just the diagnosis of autism, not autism itself. Just because there are more diagnosed cases of autism in a particular area, doesn't mean there's actually more autism. Personally, I believe autism is genetic and that geographical location and other environmental factors have nothing to do with it. I recommend reading Unstrange Minds by Roy Grinker...it talks about autism in various parts of the world including the US.


New member
More autism (mercury poisoning) in New Jersey than any other state. More pharmaceutical companies there than anywhere else, too. A boy born in NJ today has a 1 in 50 chance of being "autistic". Funny how "genes" know where to spread the autism, eh?Amazing how fooled folks can be.Hmmmmm.....