Shellyann S

New member
What are some of the foods that were used to dimish some of the signs displayed from autism. My son is 3 years old and he has it. He is nonverbal and makes alot of murmuring sounds. Did any one have success in stopping a child from making unappropriate sounds?


New member
First, be sure that your child is under the supervision of a licensed medical doctor who understands (and has experience with) autism. That's the most important thing.It has not been proven, but many people believe that autism may, in some cases, be caused by vaccines which children receive. Some of these vaccines contain very high levels of mercury (a poison), and some youngsters do not have the ability to metabolize the mercury, probably due to a rare genetic condition which would otherwise pose no threat to the child had they not been vaccinated.As far as treatment is concerned, there are people who believe "chelation" to remove impurities is an effective treatment.Examine sites such as: Just Google "chelation autism"As to diet, foods rich in anti-oxidants might reduce the level of the remnant mercury. Lots of fruit juices, fresh veggies, and things like garlic and onions, which the child might find to be very distasteful, but they must eat.God Bless, and Best Wishes


New member
Autistic children are especially disgusted by things like broccoli, cheese, burnt toast and slimy food. This is because these things remind autistic children of poopee.Incidentally, you shouldn't even think about stopping your child from babbling. It's an emotional defense. Bettelheim once reported a case of a seven-year-old mildly autistic girl who made disgusting little grunting sounds. One day her mother screamed at her to stop. The little girl immediately collapsed into full-blown autism and had to be institutionalized. She never recovered.


New member
Foods to be avoided are: foods with dioxin like apples, unless they are organic; foods with GMOs like corn, potatoes, soy, unless they are organic; all dairy because of numerous reasons, mainly casein; all wheat also due to numerous reasons, but mainly gluten; MSG in almost all processed foods, disguised as natural flavoring and other names; aspartame, commonly called Nutra-sweet; other flours containing gluten, like barley and rye; and all fish unless tested or processed to remove toxins.Foods considered benefical are: cod liver oil that is processed or tested to be free of detectable toxins; mandarin oranges; pinapple, all vegetables, espeically artichoke, parsley and broccoli sprouts, red or dark grapes, citrus fruit in general, pears, pomegranite, blue berries, pretty much all fruit and vegetables and thier juices. Remember no apple unless organic! Eggs, meats (not those with perservatives), some spices, like ginger root, turmeric, oregano. They do sell gobs of organic foods and gluten-free foods at grocers in all big cities, and over the Internet. Plus, there are lots of websites and books and forums that talk about this. If there is a food your child craves, he is either allergic to it or it contains something that helps him. This may help you determine if there are foods he commonly eats that may be triggering symptoms. Digestive enzymes and probiotics are usually given because individuals with autism have great difficulty digesting their foods to get the nutrients from them. Foods can actually be detrimental to them when they don't digest, and then oxidize in their blood-stream. My kids do so great on this diet that its the difference between lots of symptoms or no symptoms. They are recovered, but still dependent upon diet and supplements. If they drink one soda, numerous symptoms come back and last a week. If they return to eating wheat, after a few weeks, they have numerous symptoms return which take months to rid. Thus, diet can be very effective at ridding symptoms. They also recieve treatment for pathogens and toxins, which should bring about a more permanent loss of symptoms. But, I do suggest going to some forums and getting more information on a daily basis. Yahoo Groups has some great autism forums.


New member
My daughter is also 3 years old and has ASD. We incorporated the gluten free/casein free diet about a year ago. The first step is to have a food intolerance test done, which is the first testing most DAN doctors will recommend.We have had to eliminate a majority of foods. My daughter now gets hemp milk because of intolerance's to regular milk, soy, and rice milk. Meats, fresh fruits and vegetables are all safe bets as well. I would avoid corn though because it is hard to digest.The big key is digestive enzymes and pro-biotics to make the diet worth while. I would start with just simply gluten and casein free foods and see if you see any changes. Good Luck!