Where from I collect various Household tips which help a houswife ?

Their was a book published some years ago, I think it was called Mary Ellens Helpful Hints. Try and Google it.
www.flylady.net is an awesome resource for all kinds of household tips... teaches way to organize the home in small spurts (15-minute flings) and does so in a way that doesn't overwhelm you. Managing home repairs, tips to do so, , cooking, systems that can be established within the home to eliminate what she calls "crisis cleaning" - what I used to do when someone said that they would be dropping by. It's nice to one day after a few weeks of following the ol' gal's advice to have an unexpected visitor drop by my house that "has it together", and doesn't require the "Excuse the house, we're in the middle of......" disclaimer before they can even come in. I'm a recovering clutterer, as is everyone in the house!It's a great program, free to join and has been enormously helpful for me. The house runs like a top and I am more organized than I ever thought would be possible -One tidbit of advice and a small issue I had to deal with: to sign up for the daily hints to be emailed to you (which I suggest doing), you may want to create an alternate email address for free on yahoo...or somewhere else free... that enables your primary addresses to keep from overflowing. The emailed tips are great - but abundant, so getting that dedicated email account will make the juice worth the squeeze....I have included an expert from the flylady site that more accurately describes what they do. If for nothing more than curiosity... give it a looksee.... "FlyLady is for ANYONE that has a HOME. Where you lay your head at night is your home. It may be an apartment, a town house, a cabin in the woods or a house by the beach. It does not matter where or what - your home is your home. Your home is a place that should be your haven. It should be a place that you feel safe and at peace. We give you the tools to help you get out of the CHAOS (Cant Have Anyone Over Syndrome) and find the peace and joy in your homes that you deserve. Over the years we have collected hints, tips and ideas from Flybabies of all kinds and have put them together for you. These are to help you discover how you can take what we teach you and how other members have applied what they have learned." (cited from the website www.flylady.net)Good luck and hope my advice proves to be useful in your situation!