Will Chickenpox become worse as I get older?

Aaron A

New member
I'm 14 and I've never had the Chickenpox so far. Ive had the shots to prevent it. If I get it when I'm older say 20 years old will it be more dangerous? Can I die from it?
it can be dangerous, and in extreme cases, you can die. I had them at age 25, and then I gave them to my daughter who was 5 at the time. they were miserable, but I lived to tell about them. if you have had the vaccination, get a blood test and see if you have developed the antibodies that will prevent you from getting them....of course, there's always shingles to worry about... :(
as you get older chickenpox do become worse will that what my friends mum said and she is works and a dotors surgy as a resptionest so yeah
not to scare you or anything but i heard that wen a dude gets chickenpox when he's older it might cause him to be sterile ...which means it might lower the possibility of a man having children but since ur taking shots this means u have a very low risk rate of ever getting it so i wouldn't worry
I think if you've had it it can come back as shingles when you're older. It's more dangerous and can have serious effects on the nervous system.If you get it when you're pregnant, it can affect the baby, i think. And if your immune system is compromised, then it would be more serious. but I doubt that it will be serious for you.
If you never had chicken pox before and you get them when your older what can happen is you get very sick and if your a MALE you can become sterile. If you had a shot to prevent chicken pox then getting chicken pox is highly unlikely. Dying from chicken pox is very low.
Okay, when you are older, a chickenpox infection can be worse. However, if you have had a the vacination, you are likely to only get a mild outbreak. Many of the answers that are refering to male sterility may be confusing chickenpox with mumps. Orchitis is a complication of mumps in about 50% of post pubescent males, and leads to testicular atrophy in about 50% of those cases.On MedlinePlus, a site run by the National Institute of Health, male sterility is not listed as a complication of chickenpox. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001592.htm#Calling%20your%20health%20care%20providerIf you have had chicken pox, or the chicken pox vaccine, you are now at risk of getting shingles when you get older, or if your immune system becomes compromised.http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/shingles/shingles.htm(Though not listed in this article, acupuncture can be quite helpful in dealing with the pain of post-herpatic neuralgia or shingles.)Death from complications of chicken pox may occur. The most common of which would probably be Reyes Syndrome; associated with children being given asprin while they have a chicken pox infection. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001565.htmHope this helps.
It can be dangerous. If you suspect you have it, call your MD and get professional advice. I don't know how well the vaccines actually work, but I'd say you're pretty safe now.
Yes, it can kill you! Most of the time you get shingles, which are very very painful and contagious. Enjoy the shot seeing as how it is working and you're not having the itchy spots...:p