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Recipe Short Description: This is a recipe I stumbled on while looking for a marinade for chicken.Supposedly the owner of Ya Ya's is greek, greeks put lemon on everything,so the mojo sauce was a good fit seeing as it is a citrus marinade.Try it I think you'll agree!
Ingredients: 1 chicken whole or cut up,1- 20 oz btl. Mojo marinade, juice of 1 lemon.
Preparation: Place chicken in a container large plastic bag or freezer bag,Pour marinade over chicken to coat,Squeeze lemon juice over top, close and shake to coat.Let rest in refridgerater over night.To cook heat grill and cook util internal temp.is 165 degrees
Serves: 4
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Serving Suggestions: Serve with salad, mashed potatoes,chicken gravy and pita bread.