
  1. M

    What are the names of the 2 dr.'s who pulled their names off a report correlating autism and vaccines?

    These 2 doctors had stated in the past that vaccines had no relationship in the autism epidemic. Now they want their names off the CDC report. Very interesting... Please add any details you know about this new controversy.
  2. Little Cup of Tea

    How is autism dealt with in other countries?

    my cousin has autism and she seems to have a lot of sources to help her communicate and function here in the U.S. I was wondering how other countries help people with autism. Especially third world countries.
  3. S

    How does autism affect everyday life?

    I have been reading up on autism, but I still do not fully understand how it affects someones everyday life.And also just tell me more about autism.
  4. M

    Where should our family move to get the best autism support and services?

    Right now we live in Maine and the schools are terrible. We have 2 children with autism and one without. We are in search of a state that has good autism programs, schools, and where the state will cover the therapy costs (i.e. a ketie beckett program). I also would like the state to have long...
  5. T

    Why do you think autism is more often diagnosed in the last decade?

    Why do you think autism is more often diagnosed in the last decade?
  6. D

    How can i raise more awareness on Autism in my school?

    I have autism, and people at my school bully me. Do you know what i can do to raise more awareness? Could this have anything to do with contacting Autism Society of Canada?
  7. N

    Do children with autism have a bigger shaped head?

    I am researching autism in children under 3 right now. My friend and I have been discussing my son. We believe, my son is showing signs of autism. My friend said he has autistic children in his family and those children have big heads. Like rounder in the back of the head. Does anyone know...
  8. R

    What kind of doctor specializes in autism?

    I'm doing some medical research on autism in babies and children up to 2/3years, and i wondered what kind of doctor would specialize in diagnosing this in children, and what kind of tests they would generally run. I initially thought neurologists, but I'm still not really sure.Is it also...
  9. C

    what is the medicine a child can take for autism?

    I know it doesn't help get rid of the autism but i know there is one out there to help with social and behavior.
  10. B

    how is it safe to give children with autism fish oil if it contains mercury?

    There's research and everything saying that fish oil helps children with autism, but it also contains mercury which is not good for them. It sounds contradictory.
  11. S

    How do professionals determine whether a child's autism is mild, moderate or severe?

    I can't find a description of which particular behaviors separate the different classifications of autism. Is there an actual list the professionals follow to make this decision or is it subjective?
  12. C

    What causes Autism or How is it diagnosed to young children?

    My younger brother is four and he is a twin he was born first and he is the one with autism, why did he get it and not my other brother if usually it can be the youngest twin to have any problems or disabilties and how is it diagnosed what are the symptoms or signs to look for.

    What is the difference between aspergers and autism?

    What is the difference between those two disorders? and does anybody have a good autism spectrum picture?Ryan: and which one are you?
  14. A

    What are the sign of a child getting or in autism?

    I am worried about my nephew and my parents told me when i was a child i had autism but i somehow out grew it.What are the signs of autism?
  15. P

    Can an Antiepileptic medication cause malformation or autism in a 22 weeks pregnancy?

    My daughter has 22 weeks of pregnancy and she is having seizures. The Doctor said that she needs to start medications as soon as possible. She had epilepsy and she is been out of medications for about 7 years. We are worry because we heard that this can cause malformation or autism in the baby...
  16. R

    Can insurance companies deny coverage for someone because they have a child with Autism?

    My son has autism. I am currently employed and have insurance through my work. I am planning on moving and taking a new job but I am worried that I will not be able to get insurance for my son if I move. If anyone knows anything about this please help.Thanks,Randy S.
  17. A

    If the MMR vaccine has never contained mercury, why is it called the autism vaccine?

    Is there something else in it that has been linked to autism? I heard something about vaccine-induced measles virus being found in the brain and intestines of a 9 year-old autistic boy.I only want answers from people who know why MMR is attributed to autism, not from people who deny it. That's...
  18. D

    What's the difference between Broad Autism Phenotype and PDD-NOS?

    I just heard about Broad Autism Phenotype and it sounds the same as Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified. Is it? How are they different?
  19. O

    What career would I go into if I want to deal with autism to find different methods to help people with autism?

    I am trying to find out what career choice would lead me to research autism and find methods to help people with autism.
  20. K

    Does anyone have a child with symptoms similar to those associated with autism, but it is something else?

    My son is 20 months old. The symptoms that fit on the autism spectrum are that he speaks no words but can hear fine, he flaps his hands when frustrated, and frequent tantrums. But what doesn't fit is that he is very social, makes a few gestures, and plays with other children appropriately...