
  1. What are the best ways to guarantee no pregnancy from having sex?

    of course use condom and birth control pill. but what else eliminates pregnancy. i already know abstitence is the best for preventing pregnancy and STDS/AIDS.but if your not practicing abstitence, what ways you can eliminate pregnancy.
  2. M

    what is the fastest way to lose post pregnancy weight?

    I am 6 wks post pregnancy; need to lose 33 lbs and am not breastfeeding. What is the fastest way to lose?
  3. W

    Are women having more fertility problems and why?

    Due to fertility drugs and new technology (IVF) it seems women are having more multiples. However, why is it that with health care increasing in general and with people supposedly living longer and healthier lives than in the past, that women seem to be having more fertility problems? Or is that...
  4. Is Silicea Balsam safe to use externally during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

    A friend recommended I use Silicea Balsam to prevent stretch marks during my pregnancy, but I want to make sure it is safe to use. I will only be applying it externally (not doing internal dosing even though you can use it internally as well). There is not a lot of info out there on the safety...
  5. N

    Need help???

    My husband has to go have a sugery and he is having it about 2 and half hours away. We have two daughters one who is going to be 3 in Aug she is potty training and has some mild allergies that are afftecting her at this time and a 6 month old who is teething and just starting her solids. My...