
  1. A

    what is the home tip for cleaning tarnished silver?

    I know there is a handy household tip for cleaning tarnished silver, but I can't remember what it is! Anybody??
  2. T

    What r some tips and tricks to organise all aspects of the household?

    What r some tips and tricks to organise all aspects of the household?
  3. M

    How can I keep my ceramic cook stove top looking nice?

    It came with some goo to to clean it with, but I don't think you're supposed to use it every day. I wiped it with a dish rag last night and it looks streaky. Any tips?
  4. J

    Glass in the oven how worried should i be??

    So a couple days ago one of my casserole dishes shattered in the oven?! Ive got it mostly cleaned up but i can still see the fine glass pieces in the oven. So i have two questions one any tips for getting it all out,and two how worried should i be about glass getting in the food when i cook...
  5. J

    Time saving household tips & secrets?

    I am searching for tips & tricks to better organization, and cleaning, to stop feeling like a slave to my house work. I just want to free up time. Why is it that it seems everyone I see on t.v. or that I know has a cleaner house then I do, and I work sooo hard at it!!
  6. A

    Any tips for putting items into storage?

    I'm putting my household goods into storage for a little more than a year. Is there anything I should know to keep my furniture and electronics from harm? Anything that will stop working because I didn't use them, I want to make sure to give to someone else. Will my computer work? Will my...
  7. J

    can anyone give me some tips on how to make eco friendly or green household cleaners?

    For example window cleaner, bathroom cleaner, floor cleaner, laundry detergent, any type of pet products, etc....I just want to try to go green and would rather make them myself, so any tips on how to make any type of cleaning product would be greatly appreciated. thanks so much!
  8. M

    Decorating my Home - Living for the first time on my own?

    Hello everyone, I am going to be living for the first time on my own ... I am moving out of my parents house and to another country. Egypt, Cairo.I already have an apartment there, 2-bed room and fully furnished including all electrical appliancesI would still need to buy kitchen utilities...
  9. S

    Saving the environment and limiting waste- please give tips on re-using common household items?

    This just got posted in science/ecology, too.This all started b/c I have two boxes of fridge baking soda, used, but I don't want to dump it b/c...I had this crazy hippie stepmother who taught me to save the earth, back in 1989.And I agree.So, what tips can you share with everyone?PS, Can you...
  10. S

    plzzzzzzzzz some good household tips.?

    plzzzzzzzzz some good household tips.?
  11. J

    Household hints/tips?

    i remember seeing this old book my mom had it looked like it was from the 70's or so, but i cant find it, and i searched for questions on here and people responded with your question is too vague. anyway, this book was packed with household tips and hints for just about anythingso can you name...
  12. C

    What are tips for keeping your household clean and functioning smoothly?

    What are tips for keeping your household clean and functioning smoothly?
  13. B

    tips to get the stink out of a indoor garbage can?

    any household remedies?
  14. A

    How do I get my fiance more involved with the household choirs?

    We both live very hectic lives I work full time and go to school full time and he works 60 hours a week. Does anyone have any tips I have tried talking to him about it but it seems to do little good. His idea of clean is far different then mine. Wife's how do you get your hubby involved?
  15. L

    How should I clean my sticky cookie sheet?

    Ok so I made sweet patato fries with cut up sweet patatos, extra virgin olive oil, and seasonings and cooked them on a cookie sheet and after I took them out of the oven and served it I noticed that the pan was really really sticky! Like glue! Anyways, I can't get the "glue" off! I tried to wash...
  16. C

    What is a good weekly cleaning schedule?

    I've been a stay at home mom for a little over two years now. We have one child and sometimes I'm overwhelmed by the housework. I cook dinner and have a neat looking home. But if you inspected it closely it's not that great, I'll admit. What is a good weekly cleaning schedule? Or any...
  17. S

    What is your least favorite household chore and what is the easiest way you have found to complete it?

    I hate doing the dishes and we don't have a dishwasher. In general though, I want some good tips on dealing wth the worst chores!!
  18. P

    Is there any household product that will clean a burned pot?

    I tried dish detergent and a good scrubber but no luck. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!
  19. M

    What are some everyday household supplies that can be used as household cleaning agents?

    And how do I use them? I've heard that white vinegar makes faucets shine but would like some other tips as cleaning supplies are so expensive and they are also not good for the environment. Thanks!
  20. M

    How do I clean the inside of my stove top?

    Hello,Every time I cook there is something burning from the inside of the stove top. The smoke comes out from all four of the coils....I have no idea what it could be...Besides buying a new stove, are there any tips or suggestions on how I can trouble shoot this problem? How do I get to theP.S...