Glass in the oven how worried should i be??


New member
So a couple days ago one of my casserole dishes shattered in the oven?! Ive got it mostly cleaned up but i can still see the fine glass pieces in the oven. So i have two questions one any tips for getting it all out,and two how worried should i be about glass getting in the food when i cook??? (im super paranoid about glass in food).
Vacuum cleaner with a hose. Damp paper towel.Put anything you are cooking on a cookie sheet, and cover it with foil or a lid. Until you are sure all the glass is gone.If it's a self cleaning oven, you don't want it in there when it is cleaning. And if it is convection, you don't want tiny shards getting blown around. Good Luck!
take the extension hose on your vacuum or a handyvac and vacuum up the shards of glass. Then wipe it again with damp paper towel. It will not get in yoiur food because glass cannot just jump ,but you will always think that it does.
just an additional note - if you wipe with a damp paper towl - a great idea - but just remember to wear think leather work gloves so that you dont end up with those same glass bits in your skin.