
  1. J

    How much would a 5 day Disney vacation cost, aside from hotel and ticket costs?

    A friend and I want to go to Disney for about 5 days. Aside from ticket and room costs, how much would an average vacation cost? We don't need to eat in the most expensive restaurants. We just want an average cost of food and assorted expenses.
  2. M

    What is the best post pregnancy diet and exercise?

    Anyone have any good tips for getting your pre pregnancy body back ( or as close as i can get it lol) I want to start a healthy diet and exercise program that will be good on my body but still have time for my family.
  3. L

    Tips cleaning a fast food grill?

    Recently I took a job at a wendys. One part is daily cleaning of the grill. It takes me forever to do it, and I only have 3 hours to do that and several other task. It is seperated into 3 top parts with a flat surface. You would lower one part down onto the lower to cook both sides of a burger...
  4. P

    Anyone have any HouseHold Tips???

    I am looking for a bunch of household hints, I do have one...After cutting onions rinse your hands and shake some salt on them, rub it in like lotion then rinse...the smell is gone!!
  5. M

    Does anyone have any tips of organizing with a household of 7 (almost 8)?

    I am a homeschooling mom of 5 children, number 6 will be here in October. My house is running away without us, I need help in organizing laundry and clothes, school supplies and just space saving in general. Thank you!!!
  6. J

    Time saving household tips & secrets?

    I am searching for tips & tricks to better organization, and cleaning, to stop feeling like a slave to my house work. I just want to free up time. Why is it that it seems everyone I see on t.v. or that I know has a cleaner house then I do, and I work sooo hard at it!!
  7. S

    plzzzzzzzzz some good household tips.?

    plzzzzzzzzz some good household tips.?
  8. C

    What's the fastest, easiest way to sell a whole bunch of household things you can't take with you?

    I have to move into a room in a house with a roommate in a fairly short period of time (like in a month). Most of the things I have must be sold or given away. I'm very sad about it, but there's nothing else I can do. I'm alone and don't have any help other than who I can hire and I don't...
  9. M

    How do you get the smell of Indian food out of a house?

    The woes of a smelly home--my parents have a multi-level "great-room" style home--essentially the entire house is like one huge room. My parents, being Indian, cook Indian cuisine every day. The entire house REEKS of Indian food, and not in a good way. We've tried candles, house spray, electric...
  10. S

    Grocery Savings Tips - Easy Ways To Save Money On Groceries?

    Your favorite ways (with tips and sites) to save money on groceries and keep the household budget alive.
  11. P

    What are some easy ways to keep clothes from stretching or losing color?

    I live in a dorm with scary high-powered washing machines that are tough... even on the gentlest cycle. Is there anything i can put in the wash that might keep the shape and color of my clothing intact? Any household tips would be great :)errr... no thanks... i'm rather partial to the clothing i...
  12. C

    anyone have any good household tips? For anything?

    I know that clear fingernail polish will remove other fingernail polish if you don't have remover. You can also use it for small cracks in a windshield of a car.You can color a scratch in furniture by matching it to a nut (walnut, pecan, ect.) and rubbing it onto the furniture.thank you collegeg...
  13. T

    What is your favorite household tip?

    Here's mine- If you have a pot or baking dish with baked on food no need to labor scrubbing! Just soak in dish washer liquid. After a short while it just rinses off. Also great to put a thin layer full strengh on your sinks . Soak and they will come out gleaming. OK ,I am a little bored today...
  14. D

    Chicken...dark tips please.?

    I have lots of experience with cooking chicken breasts and I was hoping for tips on the difference in cooking dark meat....i.e. should I cook it longer than breasts?, etc. Thanks!
  15. S

    What are your favorite unique household tips?

    I'm looking for tips that you wouldn't see on every cleaning or homemaking article. Here are some of mine:I use rubber bands to keep hangers from getting tangled up.I set the timer and empty the lint trap on the dryer before I fold and stack my clothes on top, that way I can just throw the next...
  16. Does anyone have any great cleaning tips?

    I am cleaning house today. Please let me know your favorite great cleaning tips?
  17. D

    Any household cleaning tips to cut down time spent on household chores?

    Any household cleaning tips to cut down time spent on household chores?
  18. E

    Dairy Belle "Kona" Potato Burrito

    This was served at Dairy Bell, a fast food restaurant chain in San Jose, CA in the late 1960's as a "Kona Taco". 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons cooking oil 1/4 cup yellow or white onions, diced 2 potatoes, peeled and diced 2 dashes chili powder salt and pepper to taste 1 flour tortilla...
  19. L

    How do i get rid of Chickenpox scars?

    I had VERY bad chickenpox when i was young (about 3) and went to hospital since then i have been left with lots of scars from it - i have known people with one or two scars but no-one like me.Is there anyone outthere who is like me?And is there an effective way of getting rid of them?Thanks in...
  20. B

    What are the vitamins or supplements that can make my metabolism normal?

    My body is thin eventhough i am eating always. According to my friends, my metabolism is too fast that's why the foods and nutrients i ate can't stay longer on my body. What do i do to have my body normal like others or is there any vitamins i could take in order to have normal metabolism like...