What's the fastest, easiest way to sell a whole bunch of household things you can't take with you?


New member
I have to move into a room in a house with a roommate in a fairly short period of time (like in a month). Most of the things I have must be sold or given away. I'm very sad about it, but there's nothing else I can do. I'm alone and don't have any help other than who I can hire and I don't have much money. Any pointers, tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!
Hi, Sorry you are stuck in a sad position. I would suggest that you have a giant tag sale (yard sale) in front of your house or a busy location. Set up at 6am, don't leave until the end of the day. There are masses of people who look for tag sales at 6 am. I have had a few myself. The other people will come slowly throughout the day. Do this starting on the next available day you have, even a weekdayYou need to do this everyday you can until you leave, so you have the most possible money from your sales. Even three sales on a weekday is better than no sales on that day. Good luck.