
  1. C

    can a miscarriage earlier in the month trigger a missed or late period?

    Earlier this month, my girlfriend had a miscarriage, and now she is 6 days late for her period. Could these two things be related?
  2. W

    At home fertility tests-When to take it after being on birth control?

    I was on birth control for about 15 months, I just recently stopped. It's been 16 days. I want to take the fertility test, can I take it at the end of this cycle? Or should I wait longer?
  3. N

    Any Tips on Public Storage for a 2 br Apt during the fall/winter months?

    I'm considering putting all of my things in storage in October for about 6 months. There are so many types of spaces avaialable...any recommendations to preserve the life of my household items (br set, lr set, kitchen appliances, tv, surround sound, computer, etc.)? Also specifications to look...
  4. E

    Cheap Bastard

    8.0 oz Beer 2.0 oz Brandy 6.0 oz Cola 2.0 oz Tequila 50.0 oz Vodka Lob them all into a big bottle and leave for 3 months in the dark. Do not drink before the 3 months are up!!! Caution... Could cause blindness and paralysis, blackouts and death!!!