can a miscarriage earlier in the month trigger a missed or late period?


New member
Earlier this month, my girlfriend had a miscarriage, and now she is 6 days late for her period. Could these two things be related?
oh yeah. for sure! look at it like this. She WAS actually pregnant. It can take a while for the period to come back. Even months.
I'm very sorry for the loss. For one, yes it can delay your period as the hormones take some time to adjust. Also stress can delay a periodThe other thing is it is VERY easy to get pregnant after a miscarriage as the body is primed and more fertile. I had one period after mine and then got pregnant right away. We took a month off to mourn and for my body to rest per the doc's advise. I would have her test and it its negative and still no period go in for a blood test. They usually do a blood test right after a miscarriage to determine the hormone level. If the hormones are rising it could mean she is pregnant again.Best of luck and blessings :)
It's nothing to worry about. It takes quite a while for your cycle to return back to normal. If you want to be sure you aren't pregnant you could take a test as it is possible to fall pregnant soon after a miscarriage.