
  1. X

    What vitamins are best to take if you want clear skin?

    I am a teenager and I have a little bit of acne. It's not a huge amount, but it still bothers me, and I would like to solve the problem using vitamins, if possible. Any suggestions?
  2. N

    how do you protect your skin after you had Chickenpox rash?

    I had chickenpox all over my body, what do i do to get my skin back to the way it use to be, my face really looks bad, any advice.
  3. E

    Venus on the rocks

    1 oz. Amaretto 2 oz. Peach Schnapps 3 oz. Club Soda 5 cubes of Ice Twist of Lime The finished drink should be the golden color of perfectly tanned skin. Use this as a guide and don't get hung up on volume measurements.
  4. E

    Moment brutale #2

    10 cl Sugar 5 cl Water 1 Egg 1 Lime 16 cl Gin Mix everything except the licquor with ice, strain it to remove the shell and skin, blend with licquor.
  5. E

    Adelle's Delight

    15.0 oz. Ginger Ale 7 oz. Rum 1 pint Hard Cider 1 Apples Get all the juice out of the apple. Save the apple skin. Mix the freshly squeezed apple juice with the cider, then the ginger ale and then the rum. Pour into a tall glass and let the apple skin...
  6. E

    Salmon Galantine

    1 (10-oz.) salmon fillet 5 oz. Salmon Mousse 1 salmon skin, scales removed Lightly pan sear fillet; let cool. Coat with salmon mousse; wrap in salmon skin. Place on baking pan; finish in oven to internal temperature of 100 degrees F. Refrigerate until chilled.
  7. E

    Pâte Hazelnut

    260 g hazelnuts 135 g sugar - 200 g flour 0.5 tsp salt - 150 g beure pommade 1 yolk =Toast hazelnuts 350F ~8-10mns till brown, skin & cool, powder with sugar, make Pâte,chill 375F ~10-12mns