Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
1 (14 oz) pkg flaked coconut

Mix sweetened condensed milk and flaked
coconut will in a large bowl. Form into
balls and place in the refrigerator to
chill. Use toothpicks and dip coconut
balls into melted chocolate (recipe
below). Place on waxed paper to cool.
Makes 4 dozen. Can be frozen.

Chocolate Coating

12 oz pkg chocolate chips, melted
1/2 of a (16 oz) bar household parafin wax

Melt the chocolate and parafin
together in double boiler over low heat
and dip mounds coconut balls in mixture.
Place on waxed paper to cool.

Source: Spartenburg, SC Herald-Journal, July 20, 1988