Do you have any TV show suggestions for me to start watching?


New member
I'm trying to find a new Tv show to start watching. It doesn't matter if it's cancelled or ongoing. The shows that I like right now are Fringe, True Blood, Heroes, Smallville, House, and I loved Lost before it ended :(. Thanks!
Vampire Diaries, Nikita, and Pretty Little Liars are shows that you'll LOVE. they are really good.others are secret life of american teenager, gossip girl, 90210. :)
It sounds like you enjoy shows with a sci-fi or fantasy twist. Try some of these:RoswellKyle XYThe X-FilesVPushing DaisiesDead Like MeHavenThe 4400The Dead ZoneSupernaturalReaperBuffy the Vampire SlayerBrimstoneTerminator: The Sarah Connor ChroniclesChuckNo Ordinary Family