Is there any information on the web dealing with radiation damage to the cervical spine?


New member
I got radiation treatment to the left side of my face and neck for diffuse large B cell non Hodgkins Lymphoma. A year later I started losing feeling on my right side and getting paralyzed on my left side because the radiation damaged my spinal cord. Now it's been another year; I have to walk with a cane, and I can barely move my left arm. The Oncologists I've talked to (a neuro-Oncologist in Denver and at Sloan Kettering in New York) say Radiation damage of this magnitude rarely occurs--especially given the low dose of radiation I recieved. My paralysis is slowly getting worse. I'm wondering if there's anyone else out there with a similar problem or if there's any information on physical therapy for my paralysis so I can get the use of my left arm back. My treatment has consisted of steroids, blood thinners, hyperbaric oxygen, accupuncture, cranial massage, and cold lasers. These have had differing amounts of success but haven't completely stopped the progression of my paralysis
I just can sayBe brave and fight with all your forces, the attitude is very important to deal with cancer, hope you recover your health soon.
I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate case. Receiving radiation treatments does carry a certain amount of risks, which your radiation oncologist should have laid out for you before proceeding. Your rad onc should have planned the treatment to minimize the dosage to all critical structures (including the spine) such that long term damage should not occur. You could potentially file a lawsuit against the hospital and doctor in this case. Get a copy of your treatment plan and treatment record and see if there is a case for it.In terms of managing your symptoms, it sounds like you've exhausted most of the resources out there. You can also try going to a chiropractor. My mom was in a car accident which left her with nerve damage in her neck quite a few years ago. She's been to many doctors, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, etc but none have been helpful. A German friend suggested that she go see her doctor in Germany who also happens to be a chiropractor. She saw him once and it did wonders for her symptoms. She's been symptom free for about a year now.Hope this helps!