my 3 month old baby is constantly fussy, she drulls alot.Isn't it too early to be teething?Any suggestions?


New member
I am sure nothing hurts cause she smiles most of the time but I feed her, change diaper, and she still doesn't stay calm or quiet for more than ten minutes.She also has a lot of trouble falling and staying asleep. Is this normal in small babies? I don't know whether to take her to the doctor or not but she stops being fussy mostly when she sees me or her dad or we carry her.
Babies generally don't smile if they don't feel well. If something is wrong they will be screaming their heads off or it's easily seen that something is wrong. My daugther did this too, and we did just like she was teething (at doctor's suggestion) and it helped alot with her being fussy. Best thing for us was the teething rings that you could put in the freezer and was cold to the gums, she really liked that.As for falling asleep and staying asleep, how much does she sleep during the day? Found out our babysitter was keeping our daughter in a auto swing (hence asleep) all day, letting her wake up just before we picked her up, and that could just be your baby. Ask a doctor on your next check up which is prob. soon, just for your piece of mind.
She isn't too young to be teething.She is fussy because her gums are itchy,and they hurt.Try to make her as comfortable as possible. She needs you to do it because she can't do it herself.Give her a teething ring,or something to chew on.