Time saving household tips & secrets?


New member
I am searching for tips & tricks to better organization, and cleaning, to stop feeling like a slave to my house work. I just want to free up time. Why is it that it seems everyone I see on t.v. or that I know has a cleaner house then I do, and I work sooo hard at it!!
The houses on TV seem cleaner because... they are on TV! If you're working hard to keep your house clean and it's not, it's because other people are messing it up. This is just my theory of course, but when I had four kids living at home we'd clean the same darn rooms over and over and over. Now I live by myself, and when I clean a room, it STAYS clean.
My house is never tidy. Clean yes but tidy no. "A tidy house means a boring life". So I was told.Anyway, three handy tips...1) Roll towels when storing them. It makes them a lot easier to store and they won't all get pulled about when you take them out.2) Do bedclothes in bales. Duvet cover, undersheet and sheet all folded and put inside the pillow case. Also have the duvet cover inside out when remaking the bed. It is much easier to get the duvet in that way.Store anything unsightly in a nice box or basket. Just makes it look neater.Last but not least don't try and do all of it yourself. If you have a family get them to do their fair share!
Some tips that might help:1. Use baskets! They can be used for shoes, keys, any clutter whatsoever. They can also be used to organise ur cleaning materials...2. Make a list of things that must be done everyday, such as Mon-Sweeping, window washing, Tues +Fri- Laundry day, etc...If u need anything specific done and it seems like a huge chore break it up into smaller tasks...
The link below should take you to an article called Busy Mom's Guide: 50 Ways to Do Everything Better and Faster. It has a few tips that everyone can use-whether you have a family or not. Hope this helps!http://lifestyle.msn.com/familyandparenting/babyandpregnancy/articlebc.aspx?cp-documentid=6076769&GT1=10920