What are the best and worst days of fertility during the menstrual cycle?

It's actually half-way between each period each month; therefore, if you're on a 28 day cycle, around the 14th day is when you'd ovualte and be most fertile.
the best day is usually around the 12th day after you start your period, but it is different for everyone. the best thing to do is buy a conception test to find out what time of the month you are the most fertile
I would suggest the day before you start and the day after you stop.... during???? Please... I have to go throw up, now...(and I've had children!)
It is different for every woman. You can try an ovulation kit to see when you are ovulating or you can take your temp every morning before your feet hit the ground. The week that your temp. is highest-is when you are ovulating. This is the cheapest way to go, and I'm sure you can find a chart on the internet. It is called Basal Body Temperature Record. Good Luck!