13 year old training potty?

Jack the Toad

New member
Im a 13 year old Female and I found my training potty from when I was little and I started using it again in the living room when I watch T.V. is there anything wrong wit this?
that is a little strange, ask yourself why you enjoy this.... it may lead to some undiscovered issues that you should deal with.
This is very strange.. Im sorry but that is lazy and VERY unsanitary.Keep the "potty" as a memory. Don't use it.I would suggest, if you sill want to use it to clean it often.Please use your bathroom but not in front of your TV.Keep it a secret...THIS IS WACKED GURL
You should look into while you enjoy doing this. Is it some kind of pleasure you receive? If so, you might possible have a "peeing fetish". There is nothing wrong with having a "peeing fetish" or any kind of fetish! You are just lucky to find something that is a pleasure to you. It might be weird to some people and some people might find it hot. So, I wouldn't worry what others say-someday when you get older you will find the one that enjoys the same fetish as you!